Revelation – USB


Of all the books in the Bible no other is so solemnly introduced to us as the Book of Revelation. We must add, that no other book so uniquely beckons our attention or opens with such a gracious promise of blessing upon him that reads, hears and keeps the things written therein. And to no other book is attached such a warning, lest anyone should take from or add to its message. It is a message therefore of the very highest importance in God’s estimate. The consummation and climax of His work and dealings with man. Every prophecy and promise, every purpose and covenant finds its fulfillment within its pages. In Genesis, we have the beginning of all, in Revelation, we have the end and goal of it all.


Every prophecy and promise, every purpose and covenant finds its fulfillment within its pages. In Genesis, we have the beginning of all, in Revelation, we have the end and goal of it all. Contains 72 full-length audio messages.

This USB (MP3 audio format)  contains Pastor Jack’s entire set of 72 teachings through the Book of Revelation.

Additional information

Weight 0.31 lbs