Who Told You That You Are Going To Heaven? – DVD Set


DVD Video Set – Understanding the biblical doctrines of salvation and heaven are of absolute importance in every person’s life. In this 4-part series, Pastor Jack Hibbs expounds on key biblical truths that will cause the hearer to carefully examine their faith and truly know in fact if they are going to heaven.


“Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!” Matthew 7:22-23

In the Israel of Jesus’ day, the leading religious authorities sincerely believed that they had achieved a place of spiritual reality and that they were absolutely acceptable to God. They honestly believed that their righteousness was the greatest of all based upon their understanding and keeping of the law. They had mastered religion – which meant that a Scribe or a Pharisee was at the top of the “Who’s Who” when it came to entrance into heaven. But when Jesus came and revealed the true nature of the Gospel – it devastated the proud religionists.

Man’s righteousness was not enough and never will be. It’s a sobering, terrifying thought actually, to consider the fact, that according to the Bible there are many people today who are absolutely certain they’ve “received salvation,” when the truth is, they have either been convinced into thinking they have salvation or they have convinced themselves that they have it when in reality they do not.

Understanding the biblical doctrines of salvation and heaven are of absolute importance in every person’s life. In this 4-part series, Pastor Jack Hibbs expounds on key biblical truths that will cause the hearer to carefully examine their faith and truly know in fact if they are going to heaven.

A four-disc video set