Why Worship Him? – CD Set


CD Audio Set – Come Celebrate His Birth. These messages will help you grasp that Jesus Christ, God’s greatest gift is the God of all mercy, grace and peace.  A 4 CD Set.


CD Audio Set – In this 4-part message series Pastor Jack Hibbs leads us into a true understanding of the Christ of CHRISTmas and why we worship Him. Mary, the mother of Jesus, in what is known as “The Magnificat,” from Luke 1:46-55 expresses her praise and worship to God for the Promised One, the Holy One, Jesus the Messiah. Once we fully comprehend the reason for Jesus’ birth, our lives will never be the same. These messages will help you grasp that Jesus Christ, God’s greatest gift is the God of all mercy, grace and peace. You will discover why we should and need to worship Him.

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