Latest Weekend Broadcast
When God Gets A Hold Of Your Marriage – 3A
Air Date: 02/15/2025 | Scripture: 1 Peter 3:1-7
Today, Pastor Jack teaches that a strong Christian marriage is an awesome witness to the world. God wants our marriage to be a success, while our enemy Satan wants to redefine it.
Previous Weekend Broadcasts
When God Gets A Hold Of Your Marriage – 2B
Air Date: 02/08/2025 | Scripture: 1 Peter 3:1-7
Today, Pastor Jack teaches that the women of the Bible had a powerful and guiding influence on the hearts of men. A wife’s testimony, and dedication towards her husband can make all the difference as to whether or not he chooses to follow Christ.
When God Gets A Hold Of Your Marriage – 2A
Air Date: 02/01/2025 | Scripture: 1 Peter 3:1-7
Today, Pastor Jack teaches that God designs and creates to bring joy and meaning into our lives, and this includes His design for marriage. A Christian husband is to treat his wife with love and respect, and consider her an equal partner in life.
When God Gets A Hold Of Your Marriage – 1C
Air Date: 01/25/2025 | Scripture: 1 Peter 3:1-7
Today, Pastor Jack teaches that God created marriage to work in such a way that honors Him. Lasting togetherness is possible when the husband and wife submit to one another, as they both submit to God, and His authority over them.
When God Gets A Hold Of Your Marriage – 1B
Air Date: 01/18/2025 | Scripture: 1 Peter 3:1-7
Today, Pastor Jack teaches that the believing wife is an awesome witness of Christ. Her submission, as well as her testimony, can silence the arguments of an unbelieving husband, and touch his heart simply through her love and devotion.
When God Gets A Hold Of Your Marriage – 1A
Air Date: 01/11/2025 | Scripture: 1 Peter 3:1-7
Today, Pastor Jack teaches that many of the Christ followers in Peter’s day were women. The Gospel not only saved a women, but it also changed her rights as a woman. Her husband’s authority and position didn’t change, but his opinion of her moved from servitude to honor and respect.
The Ever Present Jesus Christ – 3C
Air Date: 01/04/2025 | Scripture: 1 Peter 2:11-25
Today, Pastor Jack teaches us that we follow after a just God. He will settle the score in the end. And, only Jesus can redeem us from the curse of the Law. A Law that has no grace, and cannot sacrifice itself in our place.
The Ever Present Jesus Christ – 3B
Air Date: 12/28/2024 | Scripture: 1 Peter 2:11-25
Today, Pastor Jack teaches that we are to follow Christ, but this also holds true in His suffering. We can be in the middle of God’s perfect will, loved by Him with an infinite love, and yet be suffering greatly in a Christ rejecting world.
The Ever Present Jesus Christ – 3A
Air Date: 12/21/2024 | Scripture: 1 Peter 2:11-25
Today, Pastor Jack teaches that Jesus came for the poor in Spirit, and to heal the brokenhearted. Those who have lost their way in life, and whose souls are at the breaking point and in need of our help and guidance.
The Ever Present Jesus Christ – 2C
Air Date: 12/14/2024 | Scripture: 1 Peter 2:11-25
Today, Pastor Jack teaches that Christians are called by God to disobey those in authority when their commands are in violation of our Biblical convictions, or in violation of direct scripture. With respect and honor, we should never disobey God to obey a lesser authority.
The Ever Present Jesus Christ – 2B
Air Date: 12/07/2024 | Scripture: 1 Peter 2:11-25
Today, Pastor Jack teaches that God puts leaders over us for our learning. He always has a plan. We only need to trust, and obey His authority.
The Ever Present Jesus Christ – 2A
Air Date: 11/30/2024 | Scripture: 1 Peter 2:11-25
Today, Pastor Jack teaches that it’s God’s desire for believers to be an example of His character. We are to share the Gospel with whoever will listen, knowing that the outcome is in His hands.
The Ever Present Jesus Christ – 1C
Air Date: 11/23/2024 | Scripture: 1 Peter 2:11-25
Today, Pastor Jack teaches that Jesus shines His light behind us, so we aren’t troubled by our past. He shines His light around us, so we aren’t anxious about the here and now, and He shines His light ahead of us, so we don’t lose our way.