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Psalm 37:3-5

“Trust in the LORD, and do good; dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. Delight yourself also in the LORD, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.”

“And He shall give you the desires of your heart.” These words have been a place of refuge to many a saint. The word “desires” appears only once in the entire Bible, and it is here. The English word for desires is the Hebrew word “mish’alah.” It means to make a simple request to God about what is in your heart.

Do you love the Lord? Are you trusting and delighting yourself in Him? It could be that as you have followed Him, He has placed within your heart the very desires that please Him, too. Let Him hear that which fills your vision and is growing in your heart—the mish’alah of your soul.

Notice that the promise is sandwiched between the commands to trust and commit. As you wait for the fulfillment of your petition, impatience often sets in. If that is you, I want to encourage you—the Lord is waiting for the perfect time to bring His perfect will to pass. Don’t be surprised to find this is true. God’s ways are past finding out. His timing is always perfect.

Dear believer, develop a trusting faith that rests in the benefits of your salvation with the assurance that God’s blessing is upon you. Follow Him and delight yourself in every expression—big and small—of His incredible love. And by prayer, spread out your heart’s desires and leave fulfillment with God. Do this, and you will possess quiet patience and joyful confidence in the outcome of your petition.

Awaiting His return,

– Pastor Jack

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