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Matthew 5:3

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”


Jesus never failed to penetrate the heart while stating profound truths. The word blessed could also be rendered happy, but what kind of happiness would we be talking about? And how is it achieved? Some might read, “Blessed are the poor,” falsely assuming wealth is the problem. With the addition of two words, “in spirit,” Jesus swept aside any such notion.

A person can forsake all possessions, travel to a far land to live in poverty, and be prideful—the antithesis of poor in spirit. In contrast, wealthy persons who humbly walk with God have done great things for His kingdom. The heart is the key.

A proud heart cringes at anything humbling in nature, thinking it unproductive. The illustration of the farmer who resisted offers to irrigate his land proves otherwise. Because of the dry, hard nature of the ground, the man believed efforts to revitalize his land were worthless. Yet he asked, “Is it possible to make my land fertile?” “Yes!” came the reply. “If it lies low enough.” The same is true for any believer willing to be humbled.

Those who are poor in spirit willingly ask, “Lord, is this ministry, pursuit, or possession for Your glory or mine?” He delights in answering prayers like this and will uncover pride hiding in places we least expect. The result is that we are brought low—a place of ample blessing.

Whether rich or poor, the blessed happiness of being poor in spirit can be yours—won’t you seek it today?

Awaiting His Return,

– Pastor Jack

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