Real Life TV December 17, 2021 Who Do You Think You Are? It’s easy, maybe even natural, for us to compare ourselves to others. But the fact is Jesus Christ died for… Admin Love686
Real Life TV December 10, 2021 The New World Order Is Redefining Truth The Bible says that the New World Order will redefine truth in the Last Days. We are already seeing the… Admin Love697
Real Life TV December 3, 2021 Now Hear This One of the primary ways that God speaks to us is through His Word. When He speaks, He does so… Admin Love656
Real Life TV November 26, 2021 This Is Where The Fight Is On this very special program, Pastor Jack sits down with former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to discuss current crises… Admin Love660
Real Life TV November 19, 2021 S.I.N. Positive Testing “positive” seems to be a hot topic at this time in history. Let’s take a look at the results… Admin Love642
Real Life TV November 12, 2021 The Deconstruction of Morality What happens when a culture rejects morality? God has anticipated this very thing and warns against it in His Word.… Admin Love624
Real Life TV November 5, 2021 What Is Abuse Of The Body, Soul And Spirit? When you allow yourself to be overtaken by worldly pleasures, your life will grow dim and empty. How do you… Admin Love607
Real Life TV October 29, 2021 Truth Or Consequences While the world pushes the narrative that truth is relative, irrefutable evidence proves this is false. Join Pastor Jack as… Admin Love583
Real Life TV October 22, 2021 Where The Mind Goes, The Body Follows We are so constantly bombarded with hidden messages and ideas that we may not realize when our minds are under… Admin Love562
Real Life TV October 15, 2021 Behind The Mask The apostle Paul issues a strong warning in the book of Romans against having a worldly lifestyle hidden behind a… Admin Love539
Real Life TV October 8, 2021 The Right Faith Christianity isn’t belonging to a church or displaying a Bible verse on your T-shirt or car. True Christianity is determining… Admin Love517
Real Life TV October 1, 2021 Inquiring Minds Want to Know We are made in God’s image, which gives us the ability to think and reason and means that we can… Admin Love498