Real Life TV September 24, 2021 Why? Why? Why? When things seem out of our control, the question we most often stop to ask is: Why? If we aren’t… Admin Love484
Real Life TV September 17, 2021 Pull Back From The Edge A heightened awareness of sickness and death is causing many to live in constant fear. But there is great news… Admin Love476
Real Life TV September 10, 2021 Stop The world is eagerly turning to socialism, Marxism, and similar worldviews to solve their problems. Why? Pastor Jack discusses the… Admin Love449
Real Life TV September 3, 2021 The Mind And How It Works The Bible tells us we are made in God’s image and bear His moral likeness. Our ability to think, create,… Admin Love468
Real Life TV August 27, 2021 Why Does Christianity Claim To Be Right? How can someone be so convinced that what they believe is true – even to the point of dying for… Admin Love425
Real Life TV August 20, 2021 Dead Men Tell No Tales The Bible tells us that when we come to faith in Christ, our old life has been put to death… Admin Love409
Real Life TV August 13, 2021 Getting Ready For The Big Day At a time when personal freedoms are constantly called into question, we are challenged to dig deeper into understanding the… Admin Love395
Real Life TV August 6, 2021 Are You Sure God Knows You? You can know about Jesus Christ, yet not be saved. You can have knowledge of His existence without having a… Admin Love379
Real Life TV July 30, 2021 He’s Coming For You Although the world may seem like it’s falling apart, Scripture shows us that it’s actually coming together. Don’t let these… Admin Love361
Real Life TV July 23, 2021 Can I Have The Assurance Of Heaven? Is it possible to know with complete certainty you are going to heaven? According to the Bible – YES! On… Admin Love330
Real Life TV July 16, 2021 How Do I Get To Heaven? What’s required to get to heaven? You may have your thoughts or opinions, but the Bible gives God’s answer to… Steve Hurlbert Love327
Israel, Prophecy, and The End TimesReal Life TV July 9, 2021 All Eyes To War The Bible warns about the impending evil that will take place in the Last Days. With the current state of… Admin Love319