Israel, Prophecy, and The End TimesReal Life TV April 23, 2021 The Return Of Christ Is Our Hope As the world around us continues to embrace evil, the need for hope radically increases. God’s Word holds the solution… Admin Love171
Real Life TV April 22, 2021 Is Masculinity Really Toxic? Pastor Jack and General Boykin discuss the current cultural dilemma on masculinity and how to stand firm upon the biblical… Admin Love188
Israel, Prophecy, and The End TimesReal Life TV April 16, 2021 Approaching Even now, the stage is being set for the End Times. With the reality of Jesus Christ’s return quickly approaching,… Admin Love151
Real Life TV April 9, 2021 Adversity… Will You Stand Or Fall? God chose the Jews to be His special people, and yet they constantly faced adversity. He had a plan and… Admin Love133
Real Life TV April 2, 2021 For Such A Time As This Throughout the Bible, we see God placing His people in positions of power for specific times and purposes. God is… Admin Love113
Israel, Prophecy, and The End TimesReal Life TV March 26, 2021 Satan’s Man In The Shadows In the wake of the Rapture of the Church, a time of great deception will follow. It will produce a… Admin Love122
Israel, Prophecy, and The End TimesReal Life TV March 19, 2021 A Coming Global Reset In the Last Days, there will be a profound cry for peace and safety, accompanied by the need for a… Admin Love154
Israel, Prophecy, and The End TimesReal Life TV March 12, 2021 A Post-Rapture World What will take place in a post-rapture, godless world? God has revealed the answer to us in His Word –… Admin Love125
Israel, Prophecy, and The End TimesReal Life TV March 5, 2021 Futures: After The Saints Go Marching In What will happen after the Church is raptured up to heaven? What will nonbelievers experience as they continue to live… Admin Love110
Real Life TV February 26, 2021 Parable Of The Tares – Continued Jesus gives us a warning to watch out for spiritual imposters & false brethren, but how can we identify them?… Admin Love85
Real Life TV February 19, 2021 Parable Of The Tares In this parable, Jesus reveals what true kingdom living looks like & warns against false churches. As Satan seeks to… Admin Love121
Israel, Prophecy, and The End TimesReal Life TV February 12, 2021 Futures: What Happens Next? – Continued The future seems to be full of uncertainty, but not for the believer. The Bible speaks of future events &… Admin Love100