Samuel 24:15
“Therefore let the LORD be judge, and judge between you and me, and see and plead my case, and deliver me out of your hand.”
Saul’s murderous ways against David were well known before this meeting of the two, and what a sad story it is. Look at poor Saul. Tall of stature, mighty in battle, the king who was once mightily used by God, now driven by jealous rage against the psalm-writing shepherd.
Look at David. Here is a man of no ambition who delights in the presence of the Lord and hopes for nothing more than continual fellowship with his God. David trusted the One who had upheld and delivered him from every trouble and foe. Saul had no reason to go up against David, yet Scripture says, “Saul was afraid of David because the LORD was with him” (1 Samuel 18:12).
Are you being attacked by those whom you hold nothing against? Is someone in relentless pursuit of your downfall because you worship God? If so, take instruction from David.
During this time, David penned Psalm 59, and in verse 5, he calls upon the “LORD God of hosts, the God of Israel.” No greater title could have flowed from David’s lips. David appealed to the One who can remedy all of life’s situations—his, yours, and mine—to come to his rescue. He is the all-powerful, unchanging LORD, Commander of the heavenly host, the God of Israel who will keep His eternal covenant with His people, now and forevermore.
And so, it is with us today. This same Lord of all is Lord for all. Cry out to Him who can deliver you.
Awaiting His Return,
– Pastor Jack
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