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Revelation 22:21

“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.”

The word grace brings such joyful freedom to the human heart that it’s no wonder the last verse of the last book of the Bible ends with this benediction.

God’s grace extended to us, initiated our life with Him and is what we need to see us through to our final destination—heaven. When you live under the refreshing flow of grace, you walk in the newness of life that God intends. A sweet freshness will permeate your mind and heart, causing the fruits of mercy and kindness to grow.

God gives grace regardless of our merit or performance; therefore, we must extend grace to others as recipients. But perhaps you’re not giving grace because you are not personally living in its transforming power. Our failure to show grace can result in criticism and condemnation, leading to broken hearts and defeated spirits. Remember, God’s grace set you free, and it’s time to start living in a brand-new way.

Grace is meant to be shared, so put it to work in tangible ways—like your words and actions. Commit to nurturing and encouraging the practice of grace within the church, your home, and the world outside its doors. Be a grace giver today and every day and watch how it provokes others to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”

(2 Peter 3:18) to the glory of God the Father.

Awaiting His Return,

– Pastor Jack

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