Why are so many churches today rapidly becoming irrelevant? Why are ministries struggling to reinvent themselves and why are Christians so ill-equipped to confront and influence the culture around them? The answer is simple, yet profound. We have drifted from believing in the sufficiency of the Scriptures for our lives. We have substituted total dependence upon God for man-made programs and human ingenuity. Perspiration has replaced inspiration and the church is suffering the results. The early church had a high regard for the Word of God and an absolute dependence upon the Holy Spirit. Armed with just that, they advanced the Gospel from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth. They boldly challenged a hostile world to consider Jesus Christ and succeeded!
For us to finish well in our day, we must get back to the Bible in our pulpits and instruct God’s people in how to live out their faith in an ever-increasing godless world; a world not unlike the one in which the church was born. In this verse by verse study of 1st & 2nd Timothy, there is a passionate challenge to pastors and lay-ministers to do ministry God’s way and leave the results to Him.
The Cultivated Life – Contains 28 full-length MP3 audio messages.