Connected 3D


Do you control your devices or are they starting to control you? How about your family? In a culture where everyone seems more “connected” than ever, how do we nurture real connection with the most important people in our lives?

2 disk CD set


Technology brings many benets to our lives. But excessive screen time can create a at, one-dimensional existence. We were made for the rich, three-dimensional experience of relationship with God and one another. So, while technology is great for some types of communication, it is no substitute for real-world, face-to-face connection.

Do you control your devices or are they starting to control you? How about your family? In a culture where everyone seems more “connected” than ever, how do we nurture real connection with the most important people in our lives?

Youth pastors, David Ax and Shadrach Means help us understand the cultural shift in the use of technology in our lifetimes. However, we don’t have to be a slave to it but instead we can choose to be intentional in our use of technology so that we honor God and value others.

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Weight 0.38 lbs