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Nehemiah 3:28

“Beyond the Horse Gate, the priests made repairs, each in front of his own house.”

The condition of Jerusalem during Nehemiah’s day resembled many parts of our communities—in ruins, with broken down or nonexistent walls. Nehemiah could have succumbed to despair but issued a call to rebuild instead. I find it significant that most of the work was in front of each builder’s home—the place where faith is truly lived out. It’s true that the church is a powerful force in the world, yet it is only as strong as the homes within it. 

Home is where faith becomes practical before it goes public. Is it not true that behind closed doors, the depth of our Christian virtues is on full display? Our families are watching to see if the Bible is true. Can it stand up under pressure? The neighbors are watching, too. Many are searching for hope and wondering if Jesus has the answer. 

Now is the time to repair the broken altars of prayer and family Bible reading. Now is the time to strengthen faith by celebrating God’s goodness daily. Now is the time to rebuild our spiritual houses with the indestructible materials of “love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.” (Galatians 5:22-23a). 

God knew you would be living at this time in history. He knew what you would face and has prepared you for this hour. You have been readied by virtue of every Bible study and church service attended and through every podcast download and worship song sung. There will never be a better time to share what you’ve received.

Now is the time!

Awaiting His Return,

– Pastor Jack

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