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John 15:5

“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.”

In our fractured world, the call for unity is growing louder, especially within the church. Such longing for cohesiveness has been the basis of endless discussions while producing scant results. But the key isn’t in our efforts. It’s in Jesus.

Jesus makes it clear that every spiritual fruit, including unity, depends on the little word “in,” which means to rest close to someone or something. This tiny word has little merit when standing alone. But place in between the words abide, Me, I, and him, and it becomes a powerhouse connecting us to the source of our fruit-bearing.

The desire for unity calls us to abide. I’ve witnessed this principle in almond groves in Northern California. Walking among fruit-laden trees, I didn’t hear branches groaning and straining. They simply remained firmly attached to their life source.

True oneness of mind and purpose springs from sound biblical doctrine. Whenever the church replaces God’s Word with false teaching, vain philosophies, or carnal preferences, you can be assured division and discord will reign. Without biblical truth, you cannot be connected to the Logos—the Word of God—Jesus Christ, thus making unity impossible.

Abiding in Christ means earnestly praying even as you wait for the Lord’s answer. It means thinking deeply and critically about your Bible reading and translating it into action. Abiding in Him and He in you produces unity that brings vitality and wholeness to God’s people.

Believer, do you desire unity? The fruit will come if we abide in Him, and He is us.

Awaiting His Return,

– Pastor Jack

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