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By September 18, 2017November 20th, 2020No Comments

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PSALM 55:10


“”Its walls are patrolled day and night against invaders, but the real danger is wickedness within the city.” (NLT)

As I was watching a program the other day on military blunders, one of the clips really got my attention. The U.S. Navy had gone through great lengths to conceal the development of a super-secret attack ship that had been carefully crafted. When the day came for it to be launched from its dry dock into the water, security was tight and the area was cleared of all aircraft. Measures were put into place to guard the ship from spy satellites high above. As senators, congressmen and military officials gathered, a horn sounded and the ship was released. It gracefully slipped into the water and just kept going until it slipped all the way under and disappeared. The ship sank in less than a minute to the horror of all looking on. Later the investigation found that someone had left the entry doors wide open. Imagine, someone forgot to shut the door and sank the ship!

In Psalm 55:10, the Bible warns against dangers from within when it says, “Its walls are patrolled day and night against invaders, but the real danger is wickedness within the city.” Like that super-secret ship that had been protected from spying eyes, it sank from within because of negligence.

America, not unlike that ship, is at a crossroads. We are patrolled day and night against terrorist invaders, but the real danger is wickedness and even negligence from within. We need to pray for America and for those whom we have put in power. America needs to shut the door on wickedness and return to its godly heritage. We need to go back to those things that worked for America as a whole, for the better of all, not for the special interests of a few. What was America doing before teen pregnancies skyrocketed in the sixties? Let’s find out and go back. What was life like before crime soared in the seventies? What was going on in our schools before America’s educational system slipped to one of the worst of the industrialized nations? We need to go back!

“Its walls are patrolled day and night against invaders, but the real danger is wickedness within…” Can this be said about our country today? Please Lord, have mercy on us and may we return to You before we slip too far.

– Pastor Jack

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