Israel, Prophecy, and The End TimesReal Life TV August 28, 2020 A Vision Of The Messiah Isn’t it interesting that some people want the benefits of God, but they don’t want to hear about the judgments… Admin Love1
IT’S TIME TO GET DRESSED! Christian LivingDevotion August 27, 2020 IT’S TIME TO GET DRESSED! Hebrews 12:14 “Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord.’” At one time… Admin Love5
Christian LivingLife IssuesReal Life TVSalvation/Evangelism August 21, 2020 Where is Your Hope? Isn’t it interesting that some people want the benefits of God, but they don’t want to hear about the judgments… Admin Love7
JESUS IS COMING AGAIN Christian LivingDevotionProphecy/End Times August 17, 2020 JESUS IS COMING AGAIN John 14:2-3 “In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I… Admin Love182
Life IssuesReal Life TV August 14, 2020 Why Oh Why – Continued Have you ever asked: what is the purpose of life? Pastor Jack continues the discussion of why we exist and… Admin Love0
Life IssuesReal Life TV August 7, 2020 Why Oh Why Why do I exist? What is the meaning of life? What happens after I die? These are questions that every… Admin Love4
Real Life Talk August 4, 2020 Ep.015 | Jack Hibbs and Charlie Kirk: Open The Churches! Pastor Jack sits down with Charlie Kirk, founder of Turning Point USA to discuss the urgency facing America to open… Admin Love0
Life IssuesReal Life TVSalvation/Evangelism July 31, 2020 The Hard Truth: The Reality Of Hell There is much debate over the existence of hell – is it real or not? Jesus himself spoke about hell… Admin Love6
Happening Now July 29, 2020 Part 22: Pastor Jack & Charlie Kirk Charlie Kirk and Pastor Jack discuss how America has turned away from its morality and Biblical foundation as a nation… Admin Love0
Life IssuesMarriage & FamilyReal Life TV July 24, 2020 The Marriage Of A Husband And A Wife – Part 2 Marriage is a ministry between a husband and a wife. While there is no more intimate human experience, it is… Admin Love7
Marriage & FamilyReal Life TV July 22, 2020 The Marriage Of A Husband And A Wife – Part 1 The world has worked to rob the Christian marriage of the depth it ought to experience in Christ. As the… Admin Love9
Real Life TVSalvation/Evangelism July 10, 2020 Breaking Free Of Fear Did you know God has promised to never leave or forsake you? But as fear manifests itself in every aspect… Admin Love0