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By July 17, 2017November 20th, 2020No Comments

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AMOS 3:3


Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?

In life there are as many opinions as there are people. We all see things in a different light from one another. Our emotions can tell us one thing while our logic says something altogether different. We can feel strongly about something while others counsel us from their own persuasion as to what makes sense to them. Which way are we to go?

When a man or woman is devoted to following the will of the Lord as revealed in His Word, others will not always agree. Even among Christians, emotions and feelings too often seem to overrule God’s will. Whatever you do, make sure that your decision-making is based fully upon Scripture and not on emotion or feelings because they will almost always lead you astray.

For example, I believe that I am being led by the Lord in a certain direction that He has appointed for me; you might feel just as strongly, but in a different direction. There is no crime in disagreeing, but there is the demand for us to be mature and Christ-like and to obey the Lord in what He is telling each of us to do. When in doubt, always make sure that you can lean upon the firm foundation of God’s Word. He will never tell us to do something that is contrary to His revealed Word. You can then be sure that what you’re doing is what He wants you to do and not what your feelings or the emotions of others are telling you to do. Sometimes we need to agree to disagree when something is not spelled out in black and white in Scripture and move on in love. Blessed is the man or woman who can receive this.

-Pastor Jack

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