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Enduring Love

By February 6, 2017November 20th, 2020No Comments


 1 Peter 3:12

“For the eyes of the LORD are over the righteous…”

What a beautiful picture this scripture paints. The word over in the Greek language means to attach your vision toward another, to set your eyes on someone with the intent to love them. It is an action that comes naturally to those in love. The picture painted is of two lovers being separated, but within view of each other. Though the room is filled with people, their eyes are fixed on one another by love. The eyes of them are over each other because of love.

If we, as mere humans, can possess such a strong and abiding desire to stay focused on the one we love, how much more does the God of the universe attach His vision toward us? Jesus is the example of God’s love towards us. He sets His eyes on you with the intent to love you. The Lord is over you with a heart of love and with an eye of commitment for He has decided to love you until the end of this earthly life and throughout all of eternity. Thank You Jesus for Your love that endures forever!

Pastor Jack

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