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By September 4, 2017November 20th, 2020No Comments

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“Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.

How generous are you toward others? Many of us have generously given to the Red Cross or other relief organizations. We may give of our time at our child’s school, buy Girl Scout cookies or lend our support at a community fundraiser. We enjoy giving gifts to family members or friends during the holidays or on their birthdays, but have you ever thought about being generous with your words—the right kind of words?

One of the first signs that a marriage or relationship with a family member is starting to deteriorate is in the area of communication. This is an area that can slowly change and go unnoticed until there are major problems. The success of good communication with your spouse, your children or other family members depends on you and the choices you make.

Are you choosing to be generous with your words—with words that are kind, words spoken in a friendly tone, seasoned with gentleness?

Are you choosing to be encouraging?

Are you choosing to speak the truth instead of lies?

Are you choosing prudence in your speech?

Are you choosing a humble, caring attitude rather than being an authoritarian?

Are you choosing to listen rather than interrupt?

Are you choosing to control your temper?

Are you choosing to keep your promises?


Let’s choose to love not only in deed but with our words. Choose to be generous today with those you love.

“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” Proverbs 11:25 (NIV)

-Pastor Jack

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