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Ephesians 5:16

“…redeeming the time, because the days are evil.”

The Christian life calls us to make visionary investments that go beyond playing it safe. In the financial world, the most successful investors have far-sighted goals and are willing to take risks to achieve them. That may sound daring, but if you want a higher yield, bold steps are necessary.

The Lord invites His people to partner with Him, to co-invest in ways that will challenge you and me. How so? For starters, we’re asked to jump headlong into whatever the Lord puts in front of us to do. It might be tough, but we’ve got to set aside the fear of making mistakes, the fear of being perceived as a failure. We have to cast off doubts of God’s ability to use us to advance His kingdom. He knew exactly who we were when He called us and by His great grace, He’ll work through us. Will we make mistakes? Absolutely. And He’ll use every one of them for our growth. Will there be times when our efforts don’t seem to amount to much, if anything? You can count on it, but I know we can trust God to cause our investments to produce heavenly dividends even if we don’t see them now.

Visionary living sees that eternity lies in the future of every man. It asks us to invest wisely in the lives of others, to seize opportunities that come to us. So, let me ask you, “How are you being called upon to partner with the Lord?” Sacrificially love the unlovely? Give of your time and resources? Walk next door and talk with your neighbor about the things of heaven? Whatever it is, I encourage you, it’s worth the risk.

– Pastor Jack

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