Tell Me More About Heaven – Part 2


This verse-by-verse study through 2 Corinthians will encourage and equip you to have God’s heart as you live your life out before others and in your Christian service.

2 Corinthians 5:1-8

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A culture will always become like the god or gods it worships, and that is exactly what had taken root and permeated the great city of Corinth. It was a flourishing cultural center for Greek life and the worship of numerous pagan gods and goddesses. The worship of Aphrodite which promoted infidelity, immorality, and sexual sin was very much alive as it seems to be in our day as well. Yet, as the Gospel began to transform the lives of those in the early church, they needed encouragement to continue moving forward in Christ and in the power of His Word. The Apostle Paul’s words of encouragement still powerfully speak to the hearts of Christ’s followers today.

Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians is a tender, personal letter in which he reveals his personal battles, struggles, and fears, as well as his victories through Christ. There is perhaps no greater encouragement to someone who is about to suffer pain, rejection, or persecution than to hear from someone who has gone through it, as Paul does in this book.

This verse-by-verse study through 2 Corinthians will encourage and equip you to have God’s heart as you live your life out before others and in your Christian service.

2 Corinthians 5:1-8