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Acts 2:46-47

“So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.“

Have you ever wondered how the early church ever pulled off such an outreach? Without committees, charters, fundraisers or boards, the early church advanced the kingdom’s efforts with simple dependence upon God. As unorganized and unprofessional as this seems to the modern mind, the early church simply believed in the power of the Holy Spirit and His work to create His church.


They truly believed that heaven was real and that hell was hot! They believed that Jesus died on the Cross for the sins of the whole world. The early church had a passion and an urgency because they spent time in the Word and lived after the will of God. The more they got into Jesus, the more Jesus got into them until they, in simplicity of faith, became so different from the world around them that the world began to see it. The Lord added souls to the church daily because they believed that He loved them even unto death. Life really had a purpose and they knew that a man’s sins could be forgiven and that all who believe in Jesus could start life completely over again through Him.


Are you one that’s been saved by the power of the Word? Do you have that sweet simplicity of heart and soul that allows you to be thankful for all He has given you? Then be a witness for Him that you might win others to Christ.

– Pastor Jack


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