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Proverbs 3:6

“In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”


In our home, we enjoy watching black and white movies from long ago. But many of those old films have been re-released in living color, and wow, what a difference color makes! What color does to a picture is incredible, but even more impressive is what a simple verse like Proverbs 3:6 looks like in the Hebrew language.

When the writer advises us that we should make it a priority to acknowledge God, the Hebrew word nakar emerges from the black and white of our English word acknowledge with a much more vibrant meaning. The true meaning of acknowledging God is “seek to discover, to find the answer, to comprehend, to be well-acquainted.” The Lord desires that we have a firsthand, hands-on knowledge of His will because He is eager to lead us along life’s way.

The word direct also bursts with rich color in the original language—and what a great word it is. To say that God directs our paths paints a beautiful picture of a road passing through a wide-open expanse. His directions show the right course to take and provide straight and even paths for our travels. His ways make for a pleasant and prosperous journey.

Those who have traveled along life’s path with Jesus will tell you it is wise to consult the One who knows its details. I can tell you that when I have sought God’s will on a matter, He has always been there with advice I can count on.

I encourage you to seek Him often so that He might paint a picture for you to follow.

Awaiting His Return,

– Pastor Jack

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