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Matthew 18:1-3

“At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, ‘Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?’ Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, and said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.’”

Grow up! This command seems to be on the lips of every well-intentioned parent. But are we sure that pressing our child to grow is always a good idea? As adults, I believe we must fight the temptation to “grow up” regarding spiritual things and return to a simple, faith-filled, and adventurous life with Him. I cannot pick up my Bible without hearing Him say, “Walk with Me,” or “Hold My hand through this,” or “Stay near Me.” He doesn’t require that I impress Him. He doesn’t demand I act my age and never says, “Grow up!”

What I do hear is, “Become as little children.” Why? Little children believe, follow, and wonder. They willingly emulate their heroes in life. And there is a sweet humility in that little face that conveys, “I will go wherever you lead.” These are characteristics that should mark us grownups who are heaven-bound.

You and I must reverse the aging process of our spirits. We need to be more like children if we are going to see more of Jesus. In this complicated, fast-paced world, we need to become childlike before our heavenly Father.

When you sense a stuffiness or routineness in your relationship with Jesus, I encourage you to go to the park and notice how children climb the trees, gaze at the clouds, and inspect the wonderful workings of bugs. Watch their innocent enjoyment of all God has provided, and then ask the Lord to do the same in your heart.

Awaiting His Return,

– Pastor Jack

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