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By July 31, 2017November 20th, 2020No Comments

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He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.

The thought and concept of being faithful has become a mockery in the world. Sitcoms and movies have made those who are faithful and dedicated to one another look outdated and archaic.

Though the world is godless and bent toward hell, nevertheless, God is faithful. He is faithful to all those who trust in Him for everything in their lives. He is faithful to those who have wandered away from Him and seek to hide from His ever-present face. He is even faithful to those who deny His existence; He blesses them from day to day with His miracle of life. The Lord takes great delight in your life and He will be faithful to do good things, as you trust Him through the good and the bad while on this journey called life.

Even when our lives have run their course and the reality of eternity approaches, the Lord will be faithful to deliver us into the glorious presence of His majesty with great joy and acceptance, for He is faithful!

-Pastor Jack

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