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Romans 16:19

“… I want you to be wise in what is good,

and simple concerning evil.”


Paul’s appeal to be wise concerning what is good and simple is as needful today as when he wrote to Roman believers, especially in family life. At a time when anything goes, many homes are polluted by words and actions that offend the Lord. What about your home? Isyour home “Christian?” And by that, I mean, is it a place where Jesus feels at ease with what transpires within its four walls?

Here is a test: What do your children see and hear in your home? What would their commentary be if asked? The Bible says to be wise, which means clear, pure, and untainted in the original Greek language. We are to promote what is good or benefitting and be simple in the sense of existing without compromising or defiling material. Are those residing at your address receiving mixed messages? James 3:10 says, “My brethren, these things ought not to be so.”

Let us not be naïve concerning the dangers of sin made light of. Sin is never passive. We would do well to remember God’s warning to Cain,“… sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it.” (Genesis 4:7)

The Lord would not have us raise our hands in worship on Sunday only to damage the hearts and souls of our family Monday through Saturday. Jesus will never be an accomplice to such actions. May we repent of anything defiling our home and resolve to protect the innocence and faith of our family.

Awaiting His return,

– Pastor Jack

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