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Matthew 5:14

“You are the light of the world.”

Jesus’ words to His followers are as compelling as they are convicting. As lights, we are to keep burning, keep warning, and keep illuminating, much like an eternal flame. In this age of spiritual darkness and danger, we must continuously shine for the Lord until we go home to be with Him, or He comes for His church.

A story is told of an aged English lighthouse keeper who remained faithful to his calling until the end. Though his life was failing fast, he summoned every last bit of strength and crept to secure the lighthouse door. He climbed the staircase to trim the light one last time before dying. The keeper died that stormy night, but the lighthouse’s beam shone brightly all around, saving the lives of mariners who were steered clear of danger.

As the keeper was, so should we be—ever vigilant to keep our lights aglow for Jesus to those all around us. At your job or among your friends, are you known as a light? Or are you not known or seen because there is no light in you? Believer, multitudes of people are lost. Arise from the fog surrounding you, lest you contribute to their disaster. Become a light and beacon to the lost, a protector against the rocks, shoals, and quicksand that lie beneath the surface of life. Shine, Christian, shine!

Awaiting His Return,

– Pastor Jack

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