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Hebrews 12:14

“Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord.”

You and I live in a world seemingly bent on violence. Nations speak of peace and draft accords, while politicians implement policies. Yet there will be no lasting peace until Jesus, the Prince of Peace, descends out of heaven and establishes that which eludes us. Until then, our responsibility as believers is to pursue peace with fellow believers and unbelievers alike. But do not be deceived. Peace must never come at the expense of holiness, which is why they are coupled here.

The world knows just about as much about holiness as it does about peace. The word translated holiness means a separated life, one yielded to God. We are different from the world—its standards are not ours, and it should be shown by how we live, speak, and think.

If you think I can never be holy enough, I understand. But when Jesus is in control, He rearranges and renovates us from within. The Bible calls it sanctification. By the power of God, the Holy Spirit changes us from the inside out by giving us new desires and passions. We may not be able to see a transformation taking place, but God guarantees that as we pursue holiness, we’ll become more and more like Him.

Jesus said that the pure in heart will see God (Matthew 5:8), and no one can rightfully expect that vision without holiness. Are you a Christian? Be wholeheartedly devoted to God. Will you experience peace? Not without holiness, says the Bible.

Awaiting His Return,

– Pastor Jack

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